SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Create Interest in Studies

7 Reasons to Study Law in Singapore

17 May 2021

Singapore is known for its great schools with various diplomas or degrees. One of the most prominent courses to study is the law. Law is...

Types of tuition available for PSLE English

17 May 2021

Are you looking for help for your child’s upcoming PSLE English?  You have come to the right place!  English Language has evolved to be a...

4 Helpful Tips on How to Spark Innovation in Your Students

09 May 2021

Your responsibilities as a teacher involves helping your students learn their lessons effectively. You can do that by sparking innovation in your class. Teachers have...

6 Signs That Your Student is Struggling During Your Tutorial Classes

23 April 2021

As a tutor, I'm sure you're aware that learning is not a one-size fits-all method. Each students learn differently from the other. According to the...

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