7 Good Modern Habits Your Child Needs to Stand Out!

12 July 2024

  Ever heard of the saying, “humans are creatures of habit”? It’s a famous saying by American psychologist G. Stanley Hall. Habits gained while young...

All About BGR: Should You Encourage Boy-Girl Relationships at an Early Age?

26 June 2024

Love is a positive human expression.  Being around the person makes you feel happy. It makes you feel valued and makes life exciting. Being around...

Chemistry Tuition in Singapore: Top 20 Award-Winning Operators

19 June 2024

In Singapore's academic journey, chemistry is pivotal from secondary to university levels. It's compulsory for O & A Levels, and crucial for various career paths...

Best Physics Tuition in Singapore: Top 20 Award-Winning Options (With Reviews!)

13 June 2024

Are you looking to turn your physics struggles into success stories?  Singapore's bustling tuition scene has got you covered! With a sea of options out...

5 Holiday Activities to do During CNY 2024

07 February 2024

Looking for something to entertain your family with this upcoming long weekend but no idea where to start? Here on the SmileTutor blog, we have...

Tips for Expat Families in Singapore: The Right Education for Children in Singapore

05 February 2024

[Pexels] Relocating to a new country, especially one renowned for its education system like Singapore, presents expat families with the challenge of navigating a multitude...