Must read articles for Exam prep

The Best Preschools in Singapore

06 November 2020

Singapore is known for having one of the most extensive selection of schools for any education level. As parents, choosing from these schools is difficult,...

10 Key Information O Level Private Candidates in Singapore Should Know

10 October 2020

Most O Level candidates take their exams as a school student and information on the exams are easily available during classroom sessions. Whereas as a...

How to Stop Overthinking During Your Exam Period

23 September 2020

Are you the type of person who panics before a major exam? Or are you the person who read and reread the same exam question...

How to Burn Midnight Oil Effectively to Study for Your Exams

18 September 2020

For students who find themselves pressed for study time, doing all-nighters to catch up with their studies is unavoidable. Sometimes, they end up doing it...

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