SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

How to Help your Child Learn at Home During this Pandemic

09 November 2020

COVID-19 pandemic has caused panic and anxiety all over the world as our normal environment suddenly changed. The changes this pandemic has brought has been all...

12 Things You Must Know About Choosing a Preschool

09 October 2020

Education is the most important gift you can give to your children, especially at a young age. At this age, your little one is starting...

How to Communicate to Parents about their Child’s Progress

15 September 2020

Every tutor must not just have a good relationship with their students in order to make their working relationship last. They must also make it...

Understanding Different Types of PSLE English Comprehension Questions

07 September 2020

The PSLE is one of the most important exams your children will need to pass in order to get into the Secondary School they want....

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