Must read articles for Humanities

Wuhan Coronavirus: How to Turn This into a Learning Moment

01 March 2020

It is true that the Wuhan Coronavirus is a concern every one of us should look out for in case it spreads in our community....

Guide to Music & Art Elective Programmes in Secondary Schools

03 January 2020

School’s not all about academics. It’s also about honing your child’s talents and developing his or her creativity in various areas, including music and art. ...

10 Best History Apps of 2019 to Get Your Child Interested in History

11 November 2019

History is a fascinating subject that kids could learn from. History introduces to them what life was like back in the past, the pioneers who...

5 Ways to help Students Remember Geography Case Studies

28 February 2019

Most students particularly have a hard time as they take geography with tackling the case studies section of their exam. Other students, particularly those in...

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