Must read articles for Exam prep

6 Tips to Develop Killer-Research Skills for Poly and Uni Students

02 September 2021

For polytechnic and university students these days, their assignments require them to conduct tons of research. And when I mean tons, I really mean TONS....

The Ultimate Guide on Private Candidates and A-Level Exams

29 August 2021

For students taking A-level exams, a large majority, if not all of them, would always comment about it being extremely difficult. Fortunately, some of these...

How to Create a Conducive Environment to Study at Home

24 August 2021

When it comes to studying, the place where you study is important as the perfect study environment affects memory retention, focus, creativity, etc. Students can...

4 Tips For Your Child to Handle PSLE Open-ended Science Questions

21 August 2021

Your child may face challenges understanding the complex nature of science concepts required to answer open-ended questions during their PSLE exams. This challenge is not...

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