SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Home Tutoring

9 Simple Tips to Improve Your E-Maths From F9 To A1 that are Guaranteed to Work!

23 December 2020

Math can be a very scary subject for some students. No matter how much they pay attention in class, they just can’t seem to grasp...

How to Handle An Angry Parent

22 December 2020

As a tutor, there will be a chance where you will be faced with an angry parent. It could be because of your way on...

Benefits of Teaching Students with Special Needs

18 December 2020

Students with special needs are often overlooked in many countries, including Singapore. Not only do special needs students require more attention and love, teaching them...

7 Most Common Topics Tutors Offer

09 December 2020

Going through tutorial classes is very helpful for students to do better academically. No matter the age of the learner, from the youngest primary school...

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