Must read articles for Exam prep

What Singapore can Learn from Other Countries in Managing COVID-19 Challenges in Education

13 April 2020

Since the first spread of the COVID-19 virus in China last year, almost 80% of the world’s total student population were forced to leave school...

More than 70% of Our 15-year-old Students in Singapore are Afraid of Failure

08 April 2020

Failure for most of us is a nightmare because it can have a lot of consequences. For students, failure can mean like the end of...

Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) Guide for Parents

27 March 2020

Singapore is always known for having an efficient math curriculum that many schools worldwide are trying to replicate. Children who undergo Singapore’s math curriculum often...

How to Help Your Child Become a Stronger Writer

23 March 2020

Writing is one of the constant things we have to do throughout our lives. Whether it is writing the answers in a survey form or...

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