SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

Essential Time Management Tips for Students – Make the Best of Everyday!

14 June 2021

We all have only 24 hours in a day, but how is it that some students can score excellent grades and have a social life...

7 Top PSLE Science Tips: How to Answer PSLE Science Questions

09 June 2021

The Primary School Leaving Examination is challenging for both parents and students, as it tests children’ academic aptitudes, as well as their resilience and stress...

6 Mental Health Benefits That Students Can Get from Exercising

03 June 2021

The physical health benefits of exercise are indisputable. However, do you know that daily physical activity offers several positive effects on mental health as well?...

How eLearning can Impact the Traditional Way of Teaching

21 May 2021

eLearning has been gaining attention for the past 5 years, but what really pushed it to its popularity is COVID-19's disruption. Facilities from different sectors...

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