Blog Parents Teaching Tips

Ebooks vs. Printed Books: Which Will Benefit Your Child More?

30 March 2021

Digital textbooks are becoming common in the classroom nowadays. If you are going to buy books for your child, you have quite a lot of...

8 Mind-Boggling Human Biology Facts to Tell Your Child to Create Interest in Biology

16 December 2020

Is your child a stubborn one who doesn’t want to do anything related to science? Well, it’s very common for children to be uninterested in...

24 Ways to Motivate Bilingual Children to Speak Mother Tongue

18 November 2020

In Singapore, you would rarely hear people speak the Mother Tongue, especially in children. Children often use English to communicate, and if they do speak...

5 Tips for Creating a Stress-Free Homework Routine

09 November 2020

Homework can be a major source of stress for many students. Whether it’s to prepare for a big exam or catching up on a deadline...

8 Reading Comprehension Strategies You Can Use In Your Exams

11 September 2020

Learning how to read is a challenging skill for many students to learn, especially younger students. As they move from one reading material to another,...

Understanding Different Types of PSLE English Comprehension Questions

07 September 2020

The PSLE is one of the most important exams your children will need to pass in order to get into the Secondary School they want....