10 Life Skills that Singapore Teenagers can Learn during Circuit Breaker

09 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has put many countries at a standstill and confined everyone into their homes. In Singapore, the government has strengthened its social distancing...

Will Our Children Lose Out on Education due to Covid-19 Circuit Breaker Measures?

22 April 2020

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak in Singapore, life has definitely changed for many Singaporeans, permanent residents and foreigners living in the country. Singapore...

How to Choose Holiday Enrichment Classes in Singapore?

01 September 2019

For many students, school holidays are very important because its the time they can take a rest from all their lessons. While these breaks are...

Top Kids-Friendly Libraries in Singapore

16 August 2019

When you ask your child where they want to go on weekends, some of the common answers you will hear include playgrounds, mall, parks and...

Free Algebra Apps for Tutors and Parents

02 August 2019

Math is the bane of many students including me, especially algebra. Aside from numbers, students have to deal with complicated equations and theories which can...

8 Ways Students in Singapore Can Save the Environment Every Day

11 April 2019

Environment  plays an important role in our existence and healthy well-being. However, its ever-deteriorating concern has become a matter of concern. So is there anything...