SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

7 Essential Lesson Time Management Tips for Tutors

20 February 2020

As a tutor, to be effective, you need to make sure that your student will be able to absorb as much as possible within each...

Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak: Why Schools in Singapore are not Closed?

10 February 2020

With the onset of the Wuhan coronavirus across Asia, Singapore's Ministry of Education (MOE) spoke to medical experts on Wednesday, January 29, to determine if...

How to Protect Yourself as a Tutor from Wuhan Coronavirus?

06 February 2020

Singapore now has 18 confirmed cases of patients who have been infected by the Wuhan coronavirus. While there are no confirmed community outbreaks so far,...

15 Ted Talks Every Singapore Tutor Should Check Out

31 January 2020

TED Talks is becoming a great avenue for people to learn more about their chosen fields. These talks often feature industry experts, inspirational speakers and...

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