Must read articles for Secondary

Preparing Your Child for Secondary School

05 November 2022

[theAsianparent] In Singapore’s education system, the transition from primary to secondary school is a major transition that students must go through. This often leads to...

5 Extracurricular Activities for Your Child to Take Up

24 October 2022

[The Catalyst] Why should you let your child take part in extracurricular activities outside of school? It gives your child a chance to pursue and...

Guide to Having a Successful Group Project

27 September 2022

[iStock] Why do we have group projects? In school, group projects are used to cultivate 21st century skills (e.g. time management, communication skills and learning...

Is Learning Drama Important?

17 September 2022

[iStock] Which O level subjects are important? Your first thought might be the Sciences, Mathematics or English. After all, they are the few subjects that...

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