Must read articles for PSLE

PSLE Maths Paper: ‘Tough’ PSLE Maths Questions & How to Prepare For It

24 April 2020

PSLE Maths Paper: 'Tough' PSLE Maths Questions & How to Prepare For It PSLE Maths is not your average exam.  Every year news publications reveal...

How to Help Your Child Become a Stronger Writer

23 March 2020

Writing is one of the constant things we have to do throughout our lives. Whether it is writing the answers in a survey form or...

Singapore PSLE Results 2019 – What to Do Post-Results

22 November 2019

The wait for the PSLE results is likely to be almost as stressful for parents as it is for their children, and I do not...

Tutor Tips: Difference Between Tutoring Primary Vs Secondary Students?

03 October 2019

If you have students of different ages, it is easy to see where primary schoolers and secondary school learners differ. Besides the obvious difference in...

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