Must read articles for Literature

Essential Info About Combined Humanities in Secondary School

31 December 2020

Secondary Two students moving to Secondary Three will notice that there is a compulsory subject named Combined Humanities.  Students will also notice that they will...

What Parents Need to Know About Language and Literacy Development in Preschoolers

30 August 2020

As parents, we tend to find it difficult to determine what our preschool children need to become literate and proficient in the language. Some of...

How to Help Your Child Become a Stronger Writer

23 March 2020

Writing is one of the constant things we have to do throughout our lives. Whether it is writing the answers in a survey form or...

Why Study Literature as a Humanities Subject?

08 December 2018

Is your child moving to another grade level and looking into what subjects they could take next year? Are they currently having problems selecting a...

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