25 Best Options for Chinese Tuition in Singapore

22 September 2021

Chinese is widely considered to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. It can add to the challenges of your child, especially if...

What are some learning milestones for Primary School Chinese?

06 September 2021

Every student progresses differently as they learn and grow older. But when they are in their primary school years, they should be able to achieve...

4 Tips For Your Child to Handle PSLE Open-ended Science Questions

21 August 2021

Your child may face challenges understanding the complex nature of science concepts required to answer open-ended questions during their PSLE exams. This challenge is not...

Why Study Biology? 5 Benefits of Studying Biology for Every Student

21 August 2021

As a parent, it can be very concerning when your child comes up to you to say that they’re not interested in what they’re studying...

How Young Children can Improve on Their Chinese Handwriting

05 August 2021

Learning to recognise Chinese characters and how to write them can be hard for young children to master. Many characters have similar strokes but with...

10 Ways to Encourage Creative Thinking in Your Child

27 July 2021

In the past, it was commonly assumed that children were either born with creative skills or were not.  Fortunately, educators have now realized that creativity...