SmileTutor Blog General Syllabus Changes

History Vs Social Studies – Which Subject to Choose?

29 December 2023

(Pexels - Pixabay) When choosing electives during secondary school, your students get to choose their humanities: Geography, Literature, and History, but Social Studies is compulsory...

What is Blended Learning?

19 April 2021

Like many countries worldwide, Singapore is slowly trying to find ways to help its citizens find some semblance of normalcy. In the education sector, talks...

Changes to National Exams in 2020: List of Topics Removed from PSLE, N Level, O Level and A Level

26 June 2020

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore Schools from all levels were closed for 2 months and online learning was made the alternative to help students keep up...

Changes to PSLE Grading & Curriculum: What Parents Must Know

22 December 2018

The Singapore education system is known to be highly demanding and deeply focused on academics. In recent years, however, the Ministry of Education has taken...

PSLE Primary Math Syllabus Changes to Look Out for in 2019

13 December 2018

The PSLE Math paper requires intensive preparation based on the Primary Mathematics syllabus. Your child’s six years in primary school would have equipped him or...

PSLE Primary Math Syllabus Changes To Look Out For In 2018

17 December 2017

The PSLE Math syllabus is a very distinctive examination as compared to most of the national primary school leaving examinations in other countries, due to...