SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Online Learning

What will Education Overseas Look Like After COVID-19 Pandemic

01 June 2020

COVID-19 has shifted the way many sectors work worldwide as it forced many to close down their facilities for the time being. For education, many...

Homeschool vs. Unschooling: What are the Differences?

26 May 2020

In the light of this Covid-19 Circuit-breaker measures like introduction of home based learning, many workplaces and schools are closed, parents and children are forced...

Online Tutors Boosting Incomes as Demand Surges due to Global Coronavirus Lockdowns

22 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down schools worldwide, especially now that the virus is continuously spreading. Students are now taking their classes online in the...

10 Tips on Tutoring Your Children Yourself at Home

18 May 2020

During the Circuit Breaker Measures, parents are guiding their child to complete school assignments in their home based learning. While some may wish that their...

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