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10 Tips on Tutoring Your Children Yourself at Home

18 May 2020

During the Circuit Breaker Measures, parents are guiding their child to complete school assignments in their home based learning. While some may wish that their...

The Complete Guide to Phonics Classes in Singapore

14 May 2020

  Can you recall all the times you had to read in school? From mandatory reading sessions to the English oral examination, reading is an...

Debunking 8 Myths About Home-Based Learning in Singapore

02 May 2020

As part of its efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Singapore government ordered that all schools move their classes online as...

MOE unsuspend Zoom for Lessons with New Safety Measures

01 May 2020

The video conferencing platform Zoom has been getting a lot of criticism since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide because of its security and...

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