SmileTutor Blog

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A Singapore Parent’s Guide to Buying Math Assessment books

03 July 2020

For many Singaporean parents, their child’s math exams are very important. Besides hunting for ten year series test papers (or free test papers), they will...

How Parents Can Help to Improve Your Child’s Articulation Skills for Oral Exams

01 July 2020

You may have noticed that every child tends to vary when it comes to how their speech patterns develop. Some children will be able to...

10 Confidence-Boosting Books for Singapore Kindergarten Kids

27 June 2020

When your kids hit kindergarten, they will meet new people with personalities unlike their own. Some kids may find it easy to interact with them,...

Top 5 Ways to Handle Teacher Troubles in School

11 June 2020

As parents, we want what is best for our children, especially when it comes to their education. We will get them enrolled in good schools...

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