Must read articles for Exam prep

10 Simple Activities You Can Do to Keep Your Child on Track Over The School Holidays in Singapore

29 November 2019

School holidays are an important time for your child to recharge from their busy school life. You don't have to spend money to bring your...

Types of Goals Your Child Should Be Setting for Their Studies

14 October 2019

Setting goals for one's self is one of the most important things a child learns as they grow up and take on responsibilities. Having goals...

How to Make Effective Notes Matching Your Learning Preference

08 October 2019

As a student, I'm sure you're familiar with note-taking. Over the years, students have asked me "Is there a best method to take down notes"?...

Top Questions to Ask Your Child’s Tutor at Every Milestone

26 September 2019

Getting a tutor for our children is a great way to see how they are fairing at school. Tutors can analyze how your child learns,...

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