Must read articles for Exam prep

How to Prevent Youths from Spiralling into Mental Illnesses

01 January 2022

The conversation surrounding the mental wellness of our Singaporean youths has been rising.  According to Samaritans of Singapore (SOS), “Suicide is the leading cause of...

Effective Study Tips: How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

23 December 2021

Everyone who has been to school has done their fair share of studying, especially when it comes to exams. A lot of us have different...

The University Admission Score: Calculating Your Rank Points

03 December 2021

In Singapore, your rank points can significantly impact where you go to university, especially if you’re looking to gain admissions into a specific course or...

Tips and Tricks to Ace Your GRE

26 November 2021

If you are a student looking into joining a university overseas, I am sure that you have heard of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). This...

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