8 Ways to Help Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary

25 July 2020

There are many ways on how children can develop a love for learning. Some develop it through games. Others use visual mediums like videos and...

How Parents Can Help to Improve Your Child’s Articulation Skills for Oral Exams

01 July 2020

You may have noticed that every child tends to vary when it comes to how their speech patterns develop. Some children will be able to...

How Your Child Can Score in His Chinese Oral Exams

24 June 2020

Since the Singaporean government changed the format of the PSLE Chinese oral examinations in 2017, it caused many children to have problems mastering the language...

10 Tips on Tutoring Your Children Yourself at Home

18 May 2020

During the Circuit Breaker Measures, parents are guiding their child to complete school assignments in their home based learning. While some may wish that their...

The Best Homeschooling Resources Online

20 April 2020

Homeschooling is now becoming a trend in many countries worldwide. Many parents are recognising homeschooling as a good education choice since it allows education to...

How to Help Your Child Become a Stronger Writer

23 March 2020

Writing is one of the constant things we have to do throughout our lives. Whether it is writing the answers in a survey form or...