Should Preschool Children in Singapore be Given Homework?

01 October 2019

Homework is an important part of every student's life. However, there is a growing argument with regards to giving homework to children as young as...

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling in Singapore

16 September 2019

Homeschooling is becoming a popular educational option for many students in Singapore. Some believe that it is a good way to help students get a...

How to use your CPF to pay for University and Poly School fees?

15 July 2019

Universities and polytechnic schools across Singapore are very expensive. For parents, enrolling their kids to these schools is a hard decision to make, especially if...

How to decide which is better: Preschool vs. Staying at Home

13 June 2019

For many parents like myself, it is a struggle to decide when they should enrol their kids into preschool. Some parents do not have a...

Should Your Child Do Homework During School Holidays?

30 May 2019

School holidays are a trial for many parents because it means our children are at home full-time. Since there is no school, children want to...

Star Tips on Choosing the Best Student Care Centre for your Child

25 April 2019

For every working parent, it is always a problem where you can leave your child after school. For those who can afford, they would hire...