SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

Bring the Pranks to Your Students: April Fools’ Day for Tutors

30 March 2024

Teachers and tutors, rise up!  No more looking over your shoulder as you keep a lookout for booby-traps and plastic rats. April Fools’ Day has...

The Cramming Myth: Debunking the Secrets to Effective Last-Minute Studying!

26 March 2024

Have you heard of the "cramming myth”? That last-minute studying can miraculously help them memorize vast amounts of information just before an exam. Indeed, many...

From Shoplifting to Underaged Drinking: Why Do Teenagers Commit Petty Crimes?

22 March 2024

Parenting is a tough job. It’s sometimes hard to know what goes on in your children’s minds. It’s not without reason that the terms “going...

Stress Relievers — Exercise For A Healthy Mind

18 March 2024

[Unsplash] Stress is an inescapable part of life. It is your mind’s natural response that reacts to challenges that you face, and can often be...

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