SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for mental health

How to Actually Take A Break and Relax

25 September 2024

9 in 10 Singaporeans reported feeling stressed in 2023. This is seven percent more than the global average! So if you’re one of the 90%,...

Unlocking Your Child’s Success Through Their Brain Health

24 September 2024

(Source: Deviant Art) When considering your child’s health, many parents often overlook the smaller details for the big picture and as long as their child...

4 Essential Self-Care Tips to Empower Students Amidst Stressful Times

18 September 2024

In this modern day and age, more emphasis has been placed on caring for our mental health, and it seems to be working for the...

Parenting Teamwork: Creating a Unified Approach with Your Partner

09 March 2024

So you have welcomed your little bundle of joy! Congratulations! If you are a first-time parent, or if this isn't your first rodeo, you know...

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