Must read articles for Humanities

How is Literature Relevant to Our Future?

15 February 2024

[iStock] Romeo and Juliet, The Joy Luck Club, Lord of the Flies. These are some of the literature classics taught in school for the GCE...

How to Study History More Efficiently?

25 October 2022

[iStock] As the O levels near, the pressure is on as students push to complete their revision for their exams. This is especially so for...

5 Ways to Help Your Student Answer Essay Questions

23 August 2022

[iStock] What are essay questions? They are questions that require an answer in sentences and paragraphs. As tutors, many of us are familiar with such...

5 Ways to Make History Lessons Engaging

04 June 2022

[iStock] History is fun. No, truly! It is like a thrilling tale of stories about trust and deception, adventure and exploration. Though, your students may...

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