Must read articles for Exam prep

IB Schools in Singapore: Ultimate List & Guide [2022]

17 July 2021

Whether you’re the proud parent of a teenager or an expat moving to Singapore and looking for new educational opportunities for your child, choosing one...

9 Awakening Tips to Help You Stay Awake During Lessons

16 July 2021

Do your eyelids often feel heavy during lesson time?  Well, if your answer is yes, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s actually a...

Why You Should Not Encourage Cramming in Your Kids

08 July 2021

You may have tried cramming as you prepared for an exam during your student years. In some cases, it has given you amazing results. However,...

10 Best Options for JC H2 Math Tuition to Help You Score ‘A’ for A-Level

05 July 2021

Many junior college students find that H2 Math is much more challenging than the A-math they’ve been used to. The sudden spike in difficulty will...

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