SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

What Happens If I’m Not Good at English?

05 February 2021

English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. It’s a language that has had a huge influence on this world due to...

Reasons Why Your Children Should Learn Coding

04 February 2021

Coding is not just another fad that is trending. It is important for your children to learn coding to ensure academic success. Coding not only...

Amazing Tips for Encouraging Positive Attitude Among Students

22 January 2021

A positive attitude can change the way learners think and approach a subject or topic. It is meant to have a constructive effect on the...

PSB Academy: A Great Option After Your N/O-Levels

11 January 2021

So, you’re done with your O/N-Level. What’s next? With so many options to choose from upon graduating, it can be overwhelming. While the majority will...

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