SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

What Will Your Child Learn In Kindergarten?

21 September 2021

Kindergarten education is not mandatory in Singapore but they are highly encouraged in order to provide young children with as much education as possible. While...

Best Kids IQ Tests You Can Take For Free

15 September 2021

IQ (Intelligent Quotient) is a measure of people’s ability to understand complex matters and therefore their performance in education. Although it’s not a complete criterion...

How do Children Learn Languages so Easily?

15 September 2021

In Singapore, it is extremely common to be bilingual. With our respective Mother Tongue and English language, acquiring two languages is something that children are...

8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Chinese Language

15 September 2021

Chinese Language is easily one of the most dreaded subjects Singaporean students always complain about. Many students these days would rather pour in hours studying...

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