SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

Best Way of Tutoring Safely During P2HA

30 June 2021

It’s no secret that coronavirus outbreak significantly affected how we offer tuition services. To date, Singapore has recorded 62,470 Coronavirus cases, and the effects are...

7 Sure-Fire Tips to Ace your Geography Exams – Thank Us Later!

30 June 2021

Do you find it tough to score an A for your geography exams? Well, in some ways it’s quite understandable why students find geography a...

40 Best English Tuition Centre & Home Tuition Options [2022]

22 June 2021

English is arguably the most important subject in your child's education. Being good at English helps your child to do well not just in the...

48 Best Tuition Centres in Singapore [2022 Ultimate List]

16 June 2021

If you ask your child whether they need tuition, the answer is most likely going to be a definite NO. However, as parents, you have...

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