Must read articles for Study hacks

How eLearning can Impact the Traditional Way of Teaching

21 May 2021

eLearning has been gaining attention for the past 5 years, but what really pushed it to its popularity is COVID-19's disruption. Facilities from different sectors...

Taking the IELTS Exam in Singapore: Know What To Expect

18 May 2021

If you’ve been researching proficiency English tests in Singapore, you probably know that IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is no walk in the...

How to Boost Your Grades: Tips and Tricks

17 May 2021

Having good grades is not just for the super brilliant or the Einstein’ in your class. Anyone can have poor grades, as well as good...

Best Spotify Music Playlists To Listen To While Studying

05 May 2021

Are you having difficulties concentrating while you study?  As a student in the past myself, I understand the struggle to concentrate while studying. This is...

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