SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Student Well-Being

What is Blended Learning?

19 April 2021

Like many countries worldwide, Singapore is slowly trying to find ways to help its citizens find some semblance of normalcy. In the education sector, talks...

7 Types of Poly Students in Singapore

11 April 2021

Polytechnic really exposes us to many types of students from different walks of life doesn’t it? Students in polytechnics enroll in a wide array of...

‘Concept-Driven Learning’ Explained: What Parents Need to Know

31 March 2021

Concept-driven learning in the classroom is driven by “big ideas” and widens the focus of the content being discussed with students. To better understand this,...

Ebooks vs. Printed Books: Which Will Benefit Your Child More?

30 March 2021

Digital textbooks are becoming common in the classroom nowadays. If you are going to buy books for your child, you have quite a lot of...

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