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Must read articles for Social studies

Tips on Scoring A1 on O-Level Social Studies

16 October 2021

Amongst all the subjects available on the O-Level curriculum, Social Studies would be one of the most likely to take the top spot when it...

Essential Info About Combined Humanities in Secondary School

31 December 2020

Secondary Two students moving to Secondary Three will notice that there is a compulsory subject named Combined Humanities.  Students will also notice that they will...

How to Raise Globally Minded Kids without Traveling Out of Singapore

09 July 2020

With the internet connecting the world, children are now becoming more aware of global issues than before. For parents, explaining these issues isn't easy and...

What will Education Overseas Look Like After COVID-19 Pandemic

01 June 2020

COVID-19 has shifted the way many sectors work worldwide as it forced many to close down their facilities for the time being. For education, many...

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