Must read articles for School

A Comprehensive Guide to Singapore’s SAP Schools

12 June 2021

Choosing a new school for your child is an exciting milestone. There are many aspects you should consider when taking this vital step. and it’s...

7 English Speaking Games for One-to-One and Small Classes

09 June 2021

A one-to-one and a small class can make students feel like they always have your attention. So creating a relaxed classroom atmosphere is important. Playing...

Ultimate Internship Guide for Poly Students

29 May 2021

  Most final year poly students are required to spend 1 semester interning at a company that has job scopes relating to the modules they...

How eLearning can Impact the Traditional Way of Teaching

21 May 2021

eLearning has been gaining attention for the past 5 years, but what really pushed it to its popularity is COVID-19's disruption. Facilities from different sectors...

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