Must read articles for Primary

What To Do When Your Child is Being Bullied at Daycare in Singapore?

13 September 2019

Bullying is becoming a very common trend in any educational institution in Singapore and across the world. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and...

Singapore Schools Are Removing Mid-Year Exams Earlier Than Scheduled

26 August 2019

Earlier this year, it was announced that Singapore will be removing mid-year examinations for secondary school students by 2024. In his March speech, Education Minister...

How Your Friends are Influencing Your Grades (Without You Realizing)

23 August 2019

There is a famous Chinese phase 在家靠父母 在外靠朋友 which means when we are at home, we depend on our parents but when we are away...

5 Tips on How to Pick Good Assessment Books for Primary School Students

09 August 2019

When preparing for an exam like the PSLE, assessment books are both heaven-sent and a curse for students. It is awesome because it can help...

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