SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

Top 10 Art Classes for Children in Singapore

22 November 2020

When there is bad weather or an event that prevents our children from going outdoors, giving them art materials will definitely cheer them up. While...

24 Ways to Motivate Bilingual Children to Speak Mother Tongue

18 November 2020

In Singapore, you would rarely hear people speak the Mother Tongue, especially in children. Children often use English to communicate, and if they do speak...

6 Ways to Communicate to Your Students with Special Needs

14 November 2020

Every child is unique. Especially for children with special needs who need extra help to showcase their full potential. Some of these children need more...

5 Tips for Creating a Stress-Free Homework Routine

09 November 2020

Homework can be a major source of stress for many students. Whether it’s to prepare for a big exam or catching up on a deadline...

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