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Must read articles for International Baccalaureate

What is the Difference: Local vs International Preschools

18 March 2019

For many parents, choosing the right school for kids is a landmine because of the sheer number of schools promising quality education for its students....

A Comprehensive Guide on School Fees in Singapore

11 March 2019

The cost of living in Singapore has been a hot topic in the news these days. The consensus is that rising costs are a worry...

8 Things You Should Know Before You Enrol Your Child in a Private School

07 March 2019

Like all the parents in the world, you want the best for your child. Best clothes, best toys and of course, the best education. Many...

Complete List of International Baccalaureate Schools in Singapore

24 January 2019

With an IB education, students can figure out who they are, their place in the world and where they are from and ways to make...

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