SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Home Tutoring

Full-Fledged Home-based Learning for All Students: What You Need to Know

18 April 2020

COVID-19 continues to be a problem across Singapore and the government has announced stricter measures to curb its spread. For the education sector, Prime Minister...

How to Setup Your Own Remote Classroom During Circuit Breaker

13 April 2020

As you probably already know by now, MOE has announced that all schools are suspended and students will transition fully to home-based learning until the...

MOE Shifts to Home-Based Learning During Circuit Breaker: What does this mean for you?

13 April 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting Singapore, the Ministry of Education announced that all schools will fully move to home-based learning until 5th May, or...

How to Increase Lesson Participation by Asking Better Questions

12 April 2020

Every student performs differently during tuition lessons, especially when you ask them difficult questions. Some will be able to respond easily and immediately, while others...

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