Must read articles for History

History Vs Social Studies – Which Subject to Choose?

29 December 2023

(Pexels - Pixabay) When choosing electives during secondary school, your students get to choose their humanities: Geography, Literature, and History, but Social Studies is compulsory...

How to Study History More Efficiently?

25 October 2022

[iStock] As the O levels near, the pressure is on as students push to complete their revision for their exams. This is especially so for...

Places to Visit to Learn More About Singapore’s history

08 August 2022

[HoneyKids Asia] The history of Singapore is an important topic that is taught in our secondary schools. Students learn about World War II in Singapore,...

5 Ways to Make History Lessons Engaging

04 June 2022

[iStock] History is fun. No, truly! It is like a thrilling tale of stories about trust and deception, adventure and exploration. Though, your students may...

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