Must read articles for English

How To Find a Suitable Writing Tutor?

28 October 2021

Writing essays can be daunting for many students nowadays. There could be many reasons such as being weaker in the subject, English. This causes some...

Top Tips for Writing an Argumentative Essay

11 October 2021

You would have been introduced to argumentative essays in Secondary School and whether or not you have been liking them so far, writing argumentative essays...

How To Become An Academic Freelance Writer?

22 September 2021

Have you just earned your graduate degree and want to use your flair for writing? Academic freelance writing is a very demanding and lucrative career...

Easy Tips to Writing Your First Book

16 June 2021

Most experienced writers will tell you that the part they found most challenging is actually sitting down to start writing. If you are creating a...

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