SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective learning

5 Educational Shows for Preschoolers on Netflix

10 September 2021

Due to the pandemic, many of us are choosing to stay indoors more often. Working from home is still highly encouraged in many companies and...

Top 9 Tips to Help You Score an A1 on Your O-Level Chinese

10 September 2021

Many Singaporean students tend to experience a hard time with the Chinese subject at school. If you're experiencing the same thing, you're not alone. Sometimes,...

Useful Tips on Structuring an Essay

07 September 2021

Professional essay writing allows you to succeed in many other kinds of writing such as for a research or thesis paper. When it comes to...

What are some learning milestones for Primary School Chinese?

06 September 2021

Every student progresses differently as they learn and grow older. But when they are in their primary school years, they should be able to achieve...

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