SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Composition Writing

Jaw-Dropping Tips to Improve your Writing

12 March 2021

We all know writing essays can be very tough and draining as it requires quite a bit of creative juice and time to craft out...

How to Set Effective Goals: A Quick Guide for Students

11 March 2021

Academic success starts with setting goals. It helps students to plan and organize their work, maintaining an optimal level of motivation and productivity. The effectiveness...

7 Signs Your Kid Needs a Tutor

10 March 2021

Parents always feel it when something doesn’t go right with their kids, especially when it comes to performance in school. Children might be overwhelmed with...

6 Mistakes to Avoid in Writing Your A Level GP Essay

22 February 2021

General papers are a challenge to write for some students because they are uncertain how to write it efficiently. Some may write beyond what is...

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