SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Choosing a school

Should I Take a Business or Economics Degree in Singapore?

27 April 2021

Singapore is known for its great universities, offering world-class degrees in both business and economics (and other programs as well). Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur...

7 Types of Poly Students in Singapore

11 April 2021

Polytechnic really exposes us to many types of students from different walks of life doesn’t it? Students in polytechnics enroll in a wide array of...

‘Concept-Driven Learning’ Explained: What Parents Need to Know

31 March 2021

Concept-driven learning in the classroom is driven by “big ideas” and widens the focus of the content being discussed with students. To better understand this,...

Polytechnic Survival Guide: What to Know as a Freshie

26 March 2021

Looking to enrol into 1 of the 5 Polytechnics after your O/N Levels? Or already a poly student trying to adapt to a whole new...

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