Must read articles for Biology

Pros and Cons Guide: Biology Edition

16 March 2023

[Pexels, Katerina Holmes] When you have to choose your subject combination in Upper Secondary, you may find yourself unable to decide which sciences to take. ...

Why Study Biology? 5 Benefits of Studying Biology for Every Student

21 August 2021

As a parent, it can be very concerning when your child comes up to you to say that they’re not interested in what they’re studying...

What is Science and Why Are You Learning it in School?

25 January 2021

Science is a subject that is taught to Primary 3 students and above. Many students fear this subject as it’s something that is suddenly introduced...

A Look Into the Life of Albert Einstein – Why Learning Science is Important

10 January 2021

Life of Albert Einstein Albert Einstein, a name that resonates in people’s head when they hear the word “Science”. I’m sure many of you have...

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