SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

Should You Consider Getting a Tutor in University?

09 March 2023

[iStock] The leap from Junior College (JC) or Polytechnic (Poly) and into University (Uni) is a huge one—you’re probably going to be on a campus...

Heavy Reliance on Tuition: Why Is It Bad?

18 February 2023

[123RF] In Singapore, tuition is seen as a ‘necessity’ for students to do well. This has led to many parents sending their children to tuition...

Tutors Do More Than They Realise

07 February 2023

[Pexels, Cats Coming] Tutors don’t always work normal office hours—for private tutors, workdays can end at 9pm or even later.  However, when it comes to...

Best Online Tutoring Apps for Students

24 January 2023

When your child starts falling behind in school, or an important test is coming up, getting them a tutor always comes up as a first...

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