Must read articles for Primary

Is Tuition Necessary for Primary Students?

28 March 2023

[Pexels, Louis Bauer] An increasing number of children are starting to have tuition, starting from as young as preschool. Parents want their children to be...

Weighted Assessment: Is the Stress Still On?

04 March 2023

[iStock] Because of a decision made by the Ministry of Education (MOE), there have been no Mid-Year Examinations (MYE) for the last three years.  This...

The Benefits of Different Types of CCAs

24 December 2022

[iStock] No matter how much experience you have, joining a CCA can be scary.  If you want to know more about different CCAs before choosing...

Schools Merging: How Will This Affect Students?

20 August 2022

[Facebook] Many of us have heard of or experienced the 2019 school merges. Where the Ministry of Education (MOE) merged 28 schools, and it seems...

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