SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

8 Tips to Score in Mother Tongue Listening Comprehension

21 July 2020

The PSLE Mother Tongue Listening Comprehension exam is very tricky to pass for many students who need to learn another language on top of mastering...

5 Best Parenting Podcasts for Singapore Parents – To Listen on the go

13 July 2020

Parenting is no walk in the park and if you are a first-time parent and always on the go, it can be difficult to grasp...

How to Raise Globally Minded Kids without Traveling Out of Singapore

09 July 2020

With the internet connecting the world, children are now becoming more aware of global issues than before. For parents, explaining these issues isn't easy and...

How Parents Can Help to Improve Your Child’s Articulation Skills for Oral Exams

01 July 2020

You may have noticed that every child tends to vary when it comes to how their speech patterns develop. Some children will be able to...

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