SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Parental involvement

What Parents Need to Know About Language and Literacy Development in Preschoolers

30 August 2020

As parents, we tend to find it difficult to determine what our preschool children need to become literate and proficient in the language. Some of...

What to Do When Your Child Do Badly in His Prelims

22 August 2020

Every parent wants their children to succeed in everything they do, especially in their exams. Their exams will be key to their academic success and...

How to Do Targeted Revision for PSLE

14 August 2020

This year’s Primary School Leaving Examination or PSLE is fast approaching and students are now clamouring to review for the exams so they can get...

8 Ways to Help Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary

25 July 2020

There are many ways on how children can develop a love for learning. Some develop it through games. Others use visual mediums like videos and...

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