SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Online Learning

PSB Academy: A Great Option After Your N/O-Levels

11 January 2021

So, you’re done with your O/N-Level. What’s next? With so many options to choose from upon graduating, it can be overwhelming. While the majority will...

How To Strengthen The Relationship With Your Online Students

14 December 2020

This year has been tough for many industries, even for the private education sector. Many private tutors have been forced to go into online tutoring...

5 Best Parenting Podcasts for Singapore Parents – To Listen on the go

13 July 2020

Parenting is no walk in the park and if you are a first-time parent and always on the go, it can be difficult to grasp...

Home-Based Learning: Guide to Learning at Home Effectively

03 June 2020

  During the COVID-19 pandemic, home-based learning was introduced in all schools to make learning as seamless as possible at home, without the need for...

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